Tal Schreiber, founder and director of the Toy Invention Center:
Nine years ago, the program for inventing toys was opened in Shankar. From then until today, a large and special community of people has grown here, the common denominator for all of them is the love for toys and devoting significant time to the field. Here we have inventors, designers, developers, illustrators, technologists, therapists, educators and manufacturers.
The tenth cycle of the toy invention program is upon us, and it's just the time to inaugurate Unboxing - the center's blog.
There are many stories behind the toys, and we will try to tell them from different points of time, areas of expertise and references. In the blog you will find information about events of the industry all over the world, as well as our activity schedule at the center for inventing toys in Shankar.
It seems that we will finally be able to start what we have already planned for a long time and hold diverse activities here: lectures, game nights and various workshops. Finally, we would be very happy to hear suggestions and ideas for the blog and the center, stay in touch and enjoy!
Tal Schreiber, founder and director of the Toy Invention Program:
Nine years ago, the program for inventing toys was opened in Shankar. Since then, the center for inventing toys has been created around the program and a large and special community of people has grown here, the common denominator for all of them is the love for toys and devoting significant time to the field. Here we have inventors, designers, developers, illustrators, technologists, therapists, educators and manufacturers.
The tenth cycle of the toy invention program is upon us, and it's just the time to inaugurate Unboxing - the center's blog.
There are many stories behind the toys, and we will try to tell them from different points of time, areas of expertise and references. In the blog you will find information about events of the industry all over the world, as well as our activity schedule at the center for inventing toys in Shankar.
It seems that we will finally be able to start what we have already planned for a long time and hold diverse activities here: lectures, game nights and various workshops. Finally, we would be very happy to hear suggestions and ideas for the blog and the center, stay in touch and enjoy!

Photo: Ariel Medina
Shlomi Iger, blog editor, toy designer and researcher of children's culture.
Toys are the objects most identified with children in Western culture. This fact makes them a unique and fascinating phenomenon, but at the same time it sometimes creates a misconception that these are simple objects, and accordingly many times the discourse about toys and games is unfairly characterized by lightness or superficiality.
In practice, toys and games are a fascinating phenomenon in historical, cultural and social aspects that goes far beyond the world of children. Children's toys are objects that reflect the attitudes and beliefs of the societies that create them and the aspirations regarding future generations. In recent years, the awareness of the influence of toys on children and the world in which they will grow up in a way that connects the world of toys and games to social and environmental aspects is increasing.
In addition, today's toys and games constitute a field of activity with professional, educational, design, technological, economic and legal aspects, as can be seen from the diverse and multidisciplinary community that has formed around the center for inventing toys and the great knowledge that has accumulated alongside this community.
The blog was created, among other things, to stimulate professional and up-to-date discourse on the toy industry and aspects related to it, as well as to be a home for the extensive knowledge that has accumulated and is accumulating at the Toy Invention Center over the years in a way that will be accessible to inventors, designers, entrepreneurs, researchers and anyone interested in the rich and diverse world of the toy and game industry.